Monday, May 25, 2009


i could have sworn I did some updates since May 11th. Weird.

We've had a productive weekend I guess. We've gone out to the farm twice. We've been clearing weeds and liberating raspberries. I've created a hosta garden along the shed. Our plan is to move out there once Christy graduates so we're trying to get some plantings established before we go. It's a huge struggle for me to NOT buy and put in plants here. I don't want to have to move a lot of stuff though. I've got enough perennials here already.

Yesterday we went to an outdoor learning center featuring wetlands, an oak savannah, and multitudes of trails. We saw tadpoles, toads, bullfrogs, spotted frogs, a snake, birds, and lots of wild flowers. There are also 11 Indian burial mounds. I chose not to hike up the huge hill to look at them but Kurt and the kids did. The mosquitoes were starting to bother me and I think maximum exertion had been achieved for this couch potato!

After restorative $1 sundaes we continued home and then went back to the farm to continue with our efforts.

I was dismayed to discover a TICK on myself when I went to shower. We're now on Lyme disease watch. I can only assume it will take effect next week when we are on our Westward Ho! family trip.

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