Monday, September 14, 2009

Julie and Julia

Kurt and I went and saw this movie Friday night. I liked it a lot. Julie was a little whiny but she was that way in the book, too. Meryl Streep really nailed Julia Child. I loved Julia's book "My life in France". It was fantastic.

Eat. Pray. Love. is another book I loved. It's being made into a movie starring Julia Roberts. I'm not real excited about her being the lead. She's never a character in movies anymore. She's just Julia Roberts. Tara asked who I'd rather see playing the part. I've been thinking about that and I just don't know. Maybe Michelle Pfeiffer? Have anyone read the book? And again...I read it before Oprah recommended. That's important to me for some reason.

I think I would blog more I if I had images saved to the laptop. Instead they're saved on the desktop. When I'm in the mood to blog it's in the evening and I'm in the bedroom on my laptop.

We had a busy weekend. We went to the movie Friday night. Saturday, we went fishing with Dad, Marnie and Ryan. It only lasted about half an hour but it was fun! We had lunch at the farm then stopped at Grandpa's and watered the trees we'd planted. Too short naps were had and then we went to CR to see the Orchestra Iowa perform Orff's Carmina Burana (look the title up on youtube)(you know the music). It was awesome. It was outdoors on the lawn at Brucemore. It was a perfect Iowa summer night made even better by Brie, french bread, grapes and Moscato d'Asti.

Sunday we went to Jakway Park for their "day". We had homemade chicken and noodles (kinda short on the chicken and the noodles but still yummy) and then we beat it CR (again) for a Kernels game. I hate baseball but friends asked us to go. It was perfect blue sky puffy cloud day to be at the ballpark eating peanuts and hot dogs and cotton candy and beer. I entertained myself by taking pictures (and drinking beer). We came home exhausted. I've had a head ache ever since. I hope we have zero plans next weekend!


Marnie said...

I hated Eat Love Pray so much that I never finished it. I couldn't handle the whining.

Kurt said...

I think I didn't like the pray part, but I really liked how it ended.

monique said...

I wwant to see this film but it was no possible, to-morrow, I 'll see "Non ma fille tu n'iras pas danser" et la semaine dernière j'ai vu "l'armée du crime" et " "le temps qu'il reste". I'm french and my blog is, you can write a comment on it !