Tuesday, December 07, 2010

2 months old!

Heath had a great 2 month check up! He's 12.9# now and 23.75" long! He's in the 75th percentile for height and weight up from the 25th so we were very happy!

I started back to work on the 29th (my birthday). As I was hauling him and his stuff into Daycare I twinged my back. I've pretty much been out of commission since. I missed two days of work and also only worked 2 half days. Nick is having to go to and from the babysitter's with me so he can carry him in and out. It's too much weight for me at the moment.

I think my chiro treatment yesterday (the 5th one!) may have finally turned the tide. I'm feeling lots better and was able to work a full day today.

Now to get the Christmas decorations up!

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