Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Gods are Smiling

We appear to have two children on the bus on their way to school.

Kurt went to the farm this morning to make sure the kids were up, clean, and ready to go to school.

The PP ordered him off the farm so he watched from across the road.

Christy goes tomorrow. We have orientation with her teacher today (which the PP has REFUSED to allow Christy to go to) saying she has an earlier appointment. Interestingly, I didn't see her name on the list when we were there.

Alex has missed yet another day of Cross Country practice. Today will make a week and a half. There a more forms we need as well as proof of insurance. If he doesn't get there soon it's going to be pointless.

Yesterday the PP chose to have Nick SKIP the REQUIRED 6th grade orientation so that he could watch the drive for customers. NICE. Kurt took flew down, got him, and took him to it. Nick was pretty nervous/shocked etc the first half but perked up the second. They met all the teachers and ran through a mock school day.

I wish we could get all this stuff straightened out. It would be nice too if we could trust the PP. HA! I crack myself up!

Raising children from across the road is pretty difficult.

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