Thursday, June 23, 2005

Insomnia Strikes Again

Why is it I always have insomnia on the days that I have to be to work at 7 am? I woke up at 330 this morning. I finally got back to sleep around 5:15. Then Kurt's alarm went off a 530. Great. I had to be up at 615 (and that's pushing it). I came to in a puddle of drool around 6:35. I had knocked my cell on the floor deactivating the alarm. Nice. I staggered downstairs and ask " didn't you notice the time?" ( I realize it's not his responsibility to get me up but.....). He is, of course, happily munching on toast and surfing the net. He wants a kiss. I tell him I don't have time for that sort of thing.

I got showered and made it to work at 701. Not bad. I was impressed. Only a minute late. Later in the day, though, I was starving and had huge snarls in my hair. Thank goodness for scrunchies. My sister tells me growing my bangs out is liberating. So far I don't see it.

Kurt's education meeting with the PP went as expected. She thinks everything is fine. Memorable quotes include: "I have Alex teaching Nicky grammar so Alex will learn grammar" and regarding Fred not knowing Algerbra, Trig, and Geometry, "Well he has the book. He must not have cracked it". Also, she can't meet again because she is fully booked until September (with what we don't know. Child rearing and education don't appear to be two of the scheduled activities).

Fred's 18th is this weekend. We're having the party Saturday night and then going to the Waterpark on Sunday (weather and Alex's noggin permitting.) My dad is going, too. The kids are excited. Check it out at

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